HandHold Adaptive
Our Story
HandHold Adaptive, LLC was founded by the family of a boy with autism.

Our family is much like any other family with special needs children, and when Evan was first diagnosed at nineteen months, so began our push to get him the help he needed. We spent hours searching for tools and solutions. We became, like many parents, "experts" on our child's disability.

We learned that Evan, like many other children who struggle with developmental and language disabilities, greatly benefits from the structure and clarity provided by visual aids. Shortly after his diagnosis, we learned to use picture-based schedules and choice boards with Evan, to help him transition between activities, communicate his needs, and stay on task. But, we remained frustrated by the tools available — printing and laminating pictures, losing plastic symbols magnets, transporting bulky notebooks — it left us searching for a better way.

And so, HandHold Adaptive and its first product, iPrompts®, were born.

Our Mission
HandHold Adaptive's mission is to "bridge the divide" between the special needs community and a dynamic world, by innovating technologies that make life easier for people with disabilities and their caregivers.

We believe that to be truly effective, assistive technology must be user-friendly, affordable, stigma-free, portable and customizable to each individual. We believe that mass market handheld devices, like the iPhone® and Blackberry® devices used by tens of millions of people every day, can deliver life-changing benefits, and are superior in many ways to the custom-engineered assistive technology hardware offered to parents and therapists today.

We won't stop developing and testing our innovations until we successfully integrate the developmentally different with the modern world around them.

Autism Speaks



Research of iPrompts®, StoryMaker™ and SpeechPrompts™ is funded
by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences,
Small Business Innovation Research program.
ATiA logo

HandHold Adaptive, LLC. U.S. Patent 8,296,686  Additional patents pending.  |  ABOUT US