We have many talented people on the team at HandHold Adaptive and thought what better way to get acquainted then to tell you a little more about the people at our company. We all have unique roles that help to keep the company operating.
Dan Tedesco, is the founder and former CEO of HandHold Adaptive. He now serves as the company’s strategic adviser and product inventor. Dan’s biggest inspiration comes from his dear son, Evan, who is challenged with Autism. Dan believes that through mobile technology a gap can be bridged between those with developmental challenges and those without. His dedication and hard work to create an app to help these individuals is a true testament to his belief in helping those with special needs.
Rob Tedesco, the CEO and Co-Founder, has led HandHold’s Research and Development since the beginning of the company in 1998, and took over as CEO in 2012. Rob serves as the Principal Investigator of several SBIR awards from the U.S. Department of Education. He also manages customer service, business development, and many other activities of day to day operations!
Carey Tedesco is the Co-Founder and Creative Director at HandHold Adaptive. She has worked as a graphic designer for more than thirteen years. She manages HandHold Adaptive’s design projects, including software graphics, the website, and marketing materials. Carey, who is Evan’s mother, is driven by the idea of creating visual supports and other assistive technologies that are bright, warm, and fun, so that uses don’t feel stigmatized. She works very hard to keep HandHold’s creative side ticking!
Mike Tedesco serves as the Chief Technologist of HandHold Adaptive. He works with Venturesoft, LLC to develop HandHold Adaptive’s suite of apps for IOS and Android, including iPrompts, SpeechPrompts, AutismTrack, and SpeechPrompts. He also runs the backend servers that power the databases for all of these products.
Courtney Moss, Marketing Manager and Sales Consultant, is a Speech and Language Pathologist by trade with a Marketing degree. She is in charge of marketing through social media outlets, reaching out to individuals who work with children who have Autism, and developing this blog! Her background includes utilizing assistive technology to better help those with special needs function in their environment.
So now that you know us a little better, feel free to share a little more about yourself in the comments section and let us know how you heard about HandHold Adaptive. If you have other questions or comments concerning our software, please contact us!