HandHold Adaptive

Discounted site licenses are now available for schools and districts!


Visual schedules and
other supports for Autism
iPrompts for iPad iPrompts for iPhone iPrompts for Android
iPrompts for nook iPrompts for Google Play iPrompts for Kindle Fire
The premier iOS app
for Social Stories™
StoryMaker for Mac
A new iOS app
for speech therapy
SharingTimer for Mac
Our full suite of
research-based apps
SharingTimer for Mac
Autism Speaks



Research of iPrompts®, StoryMaker™ and SpeechPrompts™ is funded
by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences,
Small Business Innovation Research program.
ATiA logo

HandHold Adaptive, LLC. U.S. Patent 8,296,686  Additional patents pending.  |  ABOUT US